When it comes to our aims and objectives, we look towards the skies and smile, we question ourselves is it going to be the limit? Yes we are here to help and encourage fisherman community for a better life and a bright future. A future which will not only guarantee a better life and a secured livelihood but also guarantee a community bonding and a view to help each other the main focus over here is co-operation and a pledge to lend helping hand so that the much backward community can stand on their feet.
The very basis of COFFED formation lies in the upliftment of more than one crore fishermen of Bihar. We do everything for them train them, help them secure loans, provide education to poor kids, work towards more and more production of fish, insurance in fisheries sector.
When it comes to our working style and culture we adhere to Co-operative principles. We promote and organize co-operative societies; we also undertake research and evaluation and assist co-operatives in preparing the development plan for the co-operative. We do understand that so many co-operatives and people working together for the development of fisheries are bound to get in dispute, we are there to settle all the disputes between co-operatives and between co-operative and its members and help them find the best amicable solution.
We also help co-operatives with the elections, the annual audits and all the legal issues.
We are in process of collaborating with different fisheries institutes of the country to get our co-operatives and fisher men involved and get unvalued knowledge from experts all over India. One of such results is our association with Kakinada in Andhra Pradesh, where we send our fisherman in batches for complete training.
COFFED is just not any other co-operative, at COFFED we have a dream for you, and we share your happiness and provide you helping hands in times of crisis.
With your support and co-operation, we aim to make Bihar as number one
place for fisherman community, with only one objective better life for you.